Monday, January 28, 2008

We Thank Thee, oh God, for a Prophet!

Anyone who's a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is probably already aware of this, but I felt I couldn't post anything more of my trip before I mentioned the passing of our beloved prophet and leader. President Gordon B. Hinckley was an incredible man, prophet, father, husband, friend, etc, and we have been incredibly blessed to have him be a part of our lives.

He's been the prophet of my generation and I'm sure we all love him and will miss him. We should all be very thankful for the organization of the priesthood and support President Monson right now. President Hinckley is now with his wife he loved so much and many dear friends.

Thanks mom for sending me a text in the middle of the night so I could know!! I was able to attend a meeting last night in Accra in which Sister Beck spoke, the general Relief Society president. She mentioned that she was on the committee for President Faust's funeral, so I'm sure she'll be headed back to the states to help out. All our living leaders need our prayers right now. I love this church!

1 comment:

the oldest dad said...

Kelli, just read your post about Pres. Hinckley. He was and is a great man, one of the very best. We have been truly blessed to have had him as our Prophet these many years. I never got to shake his hand but I have been in many meetings over the years when he was present. He was always so humble and a feeling of warmth and good humor emanated from him. He would wave his cane at us as if to say, thank you but I'm no big deal, I'm just one of you. I feel he was my friend. Kelli, I'm happy you love the Church. Your testimony of the gospel is the most important thing you have. Everything can be taken from us but if we have a testimony we can go on. The Church of Jesus Christ is true. That's my testimony to all my children. I love you all. Dad