Tuesday, February 19, 2008


So I went to the "Babies Home" here in Mampong. I may spend my next few days just holding infants! So freaking cute! There are tons of them. The youngest is 1 month and the oldest are 5 year old twins. There are probably about 12-20 babies from 1 month to 18 months. Sorry you won't get to see pictures, I packed super light and didn't bring my card reader...

Anyway, they were a lot of fun to hold, and I'll be going back soon and probaby everyday the rest of my time here.

Oh, and I changed my flight, so if you were wondering, I'm now coming back on March 4th, not March 3rd. Love and miss you all!


Brie said...

Fun! I can't wait to hear more about it all when you get back and see all the pictures!

ChrisS said...

I'm so confused by what you are doing. I've even talked to you and I'm still confused.

Anonymous said...

Chris I thought you were always confused?


Anonymous said...

Wait that was me who is always confused...


Brooke said...

being easily confused runs in the family, I got that unfortunate gene from mom ;o)